ISMA, международная школа ментальной арифметики отзывы и оценка

Барнаул, Анатолия, 35а (1 этаж)

ISMA, международная школа ментальной арифметики


5 оценили
Категория Центры раннего развития детей
Город Барнаул
Адрес Анатолия, 35а (1 этаж)
Телефон +7(963)520-74-74
ВК isma_22

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1. Review: "ISMA" University (Latvia, Riga) - About Latvian university ISMA without embellishment: Advantages: Distance learning and high quality European education. Disadvantages: The process of enrollment takes a lot of time . About real pros and cons of the University: Pros: 1. High quality education 2. Learning in English 3. University diploma is admitted in manycountries (includingRussiaand USA), I graduated in 2016 and have found a job without problems. 4. Ifyoulose a diplomaand/ortheUniversitysuddenlycloses, youwillstillbeabletorestoreyourdiploma. Becauseallthegraduates of European universitiesarein a Single European registry. 5. Distancelearning–I was able to combine my study and job easily. 6. Thetuitionfeedidnotchangeforthewholeperiod of study. Cons: Thereisonlyone - a verylongenrollmentprocess. Ittook 2 monthsincethemoment of thepayment,executionand authentication of my documents. I sawlots of negativereviwsaboutthisUniversityontheInternet. Mostlyaboutthequality of education andhowsubjectsaretaught. Personally, I thinkthathigher education, first of all,impliesself-studyandthetestsjustshowhowwellyou'vebeenpreparing. Teacherscan`tmakeyoustudyifyoudon`tdoityourself.Badtestsresultsaren`ttheirfault. Theonlytime I closelycommunicatedwiththeteacherwaswhen I waswritingthediploma. Andtheteacherwasreallygood. Bytheway, I doingthecourse "management of entrepreneurship" Inconclusion, I`dliketosay I hadonly positive emotions. 2. Review:"ISMA" University(Latvia, Riga) I reallylikeeverythingaboutthis higher education institution Benefits: highlevel of knowledge, convenient Disadvantages: none I`m a student of ISMA. Inmyopinion, thisisanexcellentlevel of education. Theteachersexplainasclearlyaspossible;if I havequestions, theyanswerthematonce. And I thinkthereisnoneedtoexplainadvantages of distancelearning) 5. Review:ISMA isone of thebestandprestigiousuniversitiesinEuropethatI graduatedseveralyearsago. I studieddistantlyandreceivedgoodknowledge. Themostimportantthingisthatyouhavethedesiretostudyandnotonlytobe a student. Now I workas a leadingspecialistintheholding. ButI`dliketostartmyownbusiness. I didnotpay a lotforstudying, sodonotbeafraidtogetan education in ISMA andyou`llsucceed! 3. Review: Reading the comments, one can think that part of those who left them are not interested in education itself. In reality, for those, who came to get higher education and have an intention to ‘work up’ the maximum of knowledge, it will be comfortable in any Institution. Simply there won’t be time to foul somebody’s reputation. Therefore, I appeal to everyone to use rationally the money you have invested int Круто!

Отправлено 6 лет назад

От Руслан Джамалов

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Reading the comments, one can think that part of those who left them are not interested in education itself. In reality, for those, who came to get higher education and have an intention to ‘work up’ the maximum of knowledge, it will be comfortable in any Institution. Simply there won’t be time to foul somebody’s reputation. Therefore, I appeal to everyone to use rationally the money you have invested.

Отправлено 6 лет назад

От mornityno

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Reading the comments, one can think that part of those who left them are not interested in education itself. In reality, for those, who came to get higher education and have an intention to ‘work up’ the maximum of knowledge, it will be comfortable in any Institution. Simply there won’t be time to foul somebody’s reputation. Therefore, I appeal to everyone to use rationally the money you have invested int

Отправлено 6 лет назад

От El Patrone

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Здравствуйте! Спасибо Вам, что Вы появились в нашей жизни. Именно в нашей, не смотря на то, что занимается только дочь. Прониклись все))) Приятно не только посещать занятия, но и видеть результаты, которые не заставили себя долго ждать.

Отправлено 7 лет назад


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Прекрасная школа. Сначала наш ребенок обучался в другой школе, но после того, как узнали про Исму и её методику, то решили сходить на пробное занятие... так сказать - проверить/сравнить. Здесь, конечно, совершенно другой подход к обучению, к детям. За всё время, что мы у них обучаемся - ребенок ни разу не сказал "Не хочу! Не буду!". Постоянно ждет занятий и тема №1 в семье - это, конечно, ментальная арифметика, счет, абакус и т.д. Могу только порекомендовать! Здесь, действительно, вашему ребенку дадут УСПЕШНОЕ БУДУЩЕЕ (о чем говорит их слоган).

Отправлено 7 лет назад

От Artemiy Markov